You can see a person standing on a field.
You can see a person standing on a field.

Ruhr Area Generator

Exhibition opening: PERIPHERIES

Kunsthaus Essen, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Friday, Sep 20, 2024
Digital Arts

Anastasija Delidova, Benjamin Gages and Dominik-Antoni Krolikowski explored seven randomly generated locations in the Ruhr region on interdisciplinary expeditions as part of the Ruhr Area Generator 1.0 art project. They were accompanied on each expedition by a person from the scientific community and the cultural sciences. In the exhibition, the results of all expeditions are transformed and made visible. PERIPHERIES invites you to follow the paths of the participants.

On show are works by:

Philip Albrecht, Joel Bauer, Hanna Böckmann, Helga Bültmann, Anastasija Delidova, Benjamin Gages, Thomas Hörren, Sarah Hübscher ,Dominik-Antoni Krolikowski ,Stanislav Zrajaev