Fine threads run through layers of lime, rubble and old chewing gum, through mixtures of humus and cigarette butts, past subway shafts and coal seams. Under the ground lies a garden that is trying to find its way up. A garden that has been growing for thousands of years. This garden tells of composting, of transformation, of care and of subterranean connections.
As an immersive format, this piece explores structures of care and communities of care through dance, theater and music. For its second piece, the company carried out local research in the Ruhr region and created a transdisciplinary night in a post-paradisiac world.
“Synthopia: A Garden of Eden” is a celebration, a performative narrative, a scientific discovery, a musical installation and a place for community. This garden is whatever the audience chooses. Because they determine the route and create their own story in the middle of a post-paradisiac myth.