Circus Pitches – Fresh and from here
As part of the culture event "BLICKWINKEL - Straßentheater im Blick"
Photo credits: Eva Berten
Photo credits: Circusögraphy
As part of the culture event "BLICKWINKEL - Straßentheater im Blick"
You don't want to talk to the world, but the world wants to talk to you!
You don't want to talk to the world, but the world wants to talk to you!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Everything you need to know about making an application
Everything you need to know about making an application
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
You don't want to talk to the world, but the world wants to talk to you!
You don't want to talk to the world, but the world wants to talk to you!
You don't want to talk to the world, but the world wants to talk to you!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Everything you need to know about making an application
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Everything you need to know about making an application
Get some advice for the new funding round!
You don't want to talk to the world, but the world wants to talk to you!
You don't want to talk to the world, but the world wants to talk to you!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Get some advice for the new funding round!
Is belonging everything? - What if it is only possible under certain conditions or not at all?
Virtual Mindscapes - Inner utopias as virtual landscapes
Artist-Talk with the Kollektiv ohne Zukunft (K.o.Z.)
Vernissage: Digital Exhibition
Vernissage: Digital Exhibition
Workshop: Unreal Engine x Fortnite Workshop
The world premiere of “EXPOSURE” takes dancers into exhilarating worlds, on the search for human nature and life itself
The performance of “EXPOSURE” takes dancers into exhilarating worlds, on the search for human nature and life itself
A series of events of the KeyBâb Collective
The performance of “EXPOSURE” takes dancers into exhilarating worlds, on the search for human nature and life itself
The performance of “EXPOSURE” takes dancers into exhilarating worlds, on the search for human nature and life itself